Head Chair Introduction - Eric Pan

大家好! 欢迎来到伯克利模拟联合国会议!

My name is Eric Pan (潘子瑞) and I will be your head chair for the CSC committee for BMUN LXXII. 

I’m currently a 3rd-year majoring in History and Political Science. My hometown is Nanjing (南京), and I immigrated to the United States when I was 10, calling the Bay Area my home ever since. I’ve been fascinated by history and politics from an early age, and I am really happy I’m able to continue my pursuit of my passion here at Berkeley, especially this year discussing a topic that is not only extremely important in today's realm of international politics, but to also to me as a Chinese citizen.

I’ve been involved with MUN for all four years of high school, and I’m glad to be able to continue to be involved in MUN and help continue this great tradition of facilitating political discourse and spreading awareness of international issues.

Outside of BMUN, I’m involved with the ASUC Student Legal Clinic here on campus, academic research in Political Science through the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP), and also singing A Capella. In my spare time, I enjoy SCUBA diving, photography, and playing basketball.

My plans currently after graduation is to go to law school, maybe do a few gap years for work or a masters (who knows) and hopefully discover a career from there! 

I'm excited to get to meet you all during conference! Please feel free to reach out anytime if you have any further questions! 




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